10 Ways to Glow Up in 2022
Ten practical and tangible tips that you can implement this year.
We have all seen the meme of the lady climbing the stairs of a new year. She is usually well dressed and walking over all of the "baggage" of her past. As easy as she makes it look to just move forward, many ladies have no idea where to start. How many times have we said "New Year, new me" yet nothing changed? Why is that? Typically because change first starts in the mind. Here are 10 practical ways to glow up and become the best you there is.
Go to Therapy
Ah, the taboo subject of therapy. Unfortunately, many people have stigmatized and limited therapy to only addressing severe mental disorders. This notion is amplified in the black community where we were taught "what happens in this family stays in this family". This is not true for all, but for most, therapy is just not an option. First let me tell you that I personally have been in therapy for 2 months and my life has improved substantially. Therapy is an invaluable tool that is necessary for major change in your life. Addressing childhood traumas, negative mindsets, and understanding why you behave the way that you do sets you on a much needed path to self discovery. The bible says to love God with your entire being and your neighbor as yourself. Many of us struggle to do this because we typically do not love ourselves. Therapy is needed to find the true you burred beneath the trauma, defense mechanisms, and adopted negative thinking patterns. Bottom line, carve out the time and money to invest in your mental health. This is perhaps the most important part of glowing up.
Let Go of Toxic Relationships
Tip two usually goes in tandem with the first. Utilizing therapy as a tool for self discovery and increasing self-love usually results in your letting go of people who no longer positively affect your life. Now I am not saying cut every person out of your life, please use wisdom. Letting go of toxic relationships does not have to be this big dramatic event where you curse someone out or "confront" them for their "toxicity". Letting go of toxic relationships first starts with you breaking up with the mindset that brought you two together. If you have a drama filled friend who always gossips, fights, or does other ratchet activities (yes I said it) then first you need to stop doing those things yourself. Once you have done that, the next step is to no longer lend your ear, time, or energy to that negative behavior. This takes courage and some boldness on your part to let the people know in your life that you no longer will engage in such behavior. Typically two things could happen when you start making positive changes in your life. One thing is the other person could become angry or feel rejected by you or even think that you are "acting different" as a result to this new change. That is fine. People who are not growing will try to thwart you to remain on their level. Let that person go. Another possibility, and what we hope for, is the person will appreciate your change and also attempt to better themselves. No matter the outcome, remember that everyone is not called to your journey. Keep growing and allow those who need to depart do so.
Invest in Yourself
Many of us spend money on clothes, shoes, and hair styles. While this is a form of investing in your appearance, there are also other ways to invest in yourself. You can learn a new hobby such as cooking, gardening, or finances. Invest in classes or subscription serves that teach you how to do something. This will help you to feel accomplished by learning something new or challenging. This will also help you to become a well-rounded and interesting person which is something we should value in our future or current partners. Education is the key to wealth so get out there and learn something new. Like the old folks say, put something in your head and not just on it.
Work on Your Health
Another part of investing in yourself is taking care of your health. Work out and eat right girl. I know that it is hard and something that a lot of us struggle with however did you know that God commands us to take care of ourselves? The bible says that our bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit. God values our bodies and wants us to live prosperous lives on this earth. Sadly, this past pandemic showed us just how sick the American populous is. I am not telling you what to do or how to do it, but what I will say is begin to take your health serious. Personally, I have gotten a gym trainer and plan to add a nutritionist in the mix for 2022. Do what is practical for you and be consistent with it. Remember small changes can offer big results.
Get involved
So much emphasis is put on purpose and finding out what it is. While that is great, many people contemplate their purpose while doing absolutely nothing outside of the basic necessities of life. Get out into the world and help someone. Get involved in a church or volunteer in the community. God wants you to get busy in the field. The bible says work is plenty but the laborers are few. Finding your purpose requires movement on your part. Leave your home and turn off social media for a day. Getting involved gives you a sense of purpose in this world while you impact the lives of others. Through that initial step on your part, God can then begin to reveal more to you. We do not sit and wait on God. God is waiting on you to get going!
Go Outside
This goes in tandem with the previous tip and can be taken figuratively or literally. Some people, especially since the pandemic, have not stepped foot out of their homes in days or weeks. This is detrimental to not only your mental health but also your physical health. We need vitamin D from the sun, fresh air, and human interaction. Go outside and take a walk. If you are single and believing God for a partner, sis He does not do mail orders. Your husband is looking for you and he will not find you cooped up in your house. Going out does not have to be some extravagant event either. You can literally go and do productive things that you would do at home. Instead of working on the computer at home all day, go to a coffee shop. Instead of doing in-home workouts, go to the park or gym. Instead of reading or strolling social media at home, go to the local library. Main takeaway, get out of the house.
Dress nice
Now once you go outside, please do so with intentionality. I get it sis, everyday we do not feel like "getting cute" or dressing up. That is life and I am not suggesting that everyday be a fashion show however some effort should be put into your appearance daily. We are young women and we should look like we are as blessed as we are. It takes no time to swap the bonnet for a wig or the sweat pants for a dress. Some ladies love lounge wear, however may I suggest investing in lounge wear that is good quality and nicely colored. Do not become the black, white, or gray blob. Add some color and personality to your wardrobe! Why do this? Firstly, doing so could improve your self confidence and create a healthy habit of looking nice. Secondly, do it because you do not know where your next business, personal, or romantic opportunity will present itself. Imagine being out in public and meeting the CEO of a company that you wanted to work with. Could you confidently chat with this person in your hat covered scarf and hanging raggedy eye lashes? Now I know I am coming at you hard with this one, but the point is always put your best foot forward when you leave your house.
Gain Life Experience
Gaining life experience includes traveling, trying new things, and getting out of your typical community. I know what you are thinking, "I can't afford to travel". May I point out this fact to you... traveling is not expensive if you truly desire to do it. Save your money, coupon, find deals, join travel pages, and simply make the time. If money is truly tight for you, then budget for one major a trip a year. You'd be surprised at how truly small your world has been once you get to experience other countries and cultures. In 2020 I traveled out the country for the first time in my life for $700 at an all inclusive resort in Mexico. Doing so showed me there is more to life than black and white thinking. There are experiences to be had, things to try, and new people to meet. Broaden your horizons and candidly stop expecting a man to come into your life first for you to do so. Many of us have the fantasy of "traveling the world" with our husbands. There is nothing wrong with that, however you will attract what you are. If you are not traveling or gaining life experiences as a single woman, the odds of you attracting this world renown man are slim to none. While that seems mean or harsh, it is the reality of life. People are attracted to like minded partners. Therefore, if you are believing God for this amazing husband, become the amazing wife he would be attracted to.
Revamp Your Social Media Presence
If you still have pictures from high-school with the emo bangs and cartoon character T-shirts on your social media then it is time for a change. Let's face it, we live in a world where you are judged on your social media page. If you are a single woman this is especially true and it is time for you to revamp it sis. Get rid of the pictures of old friends and exes. There is no rule of thumb, however if you have 50+ pictures on your Instagram page then you likely need to do some cleaning. Put your best photos forward and make sure that they capture the well rounded life that you lead. Every picture should not be in your bathroom or the club. If that's the only place you go to take pictures then we need to revisit the tip about going outside and gaining life experiences sis. All jokes aside, treat your social media like an introduction to who you are. Someone should see your page and be interested in knowing more about you.
We live in the era of self-help and motivational books. Buy some and use them as a tool to further your personal growth. There is a wealth of information to be gained and sometimes it is in written form. I know some of us do not like reading however let me challenge you to do something different. Instead of strolling social media before bed, pick up an inspiration book (or the bible) and read a few pages. Give your mind rest from the constant streams of media and images. Take a break from social media at times and focus on living in reality. Life is about more than likes, comments, and subscriptions. Take a much needed break with a good book. Your mental health, self-esteem, and overall quality of life will vastly improve as a result.
In Conclusion
Implementing these changes will not be easy, however they will only be as hard as you allow them to be. Many times we get comfortable with the "norms" of our lives, however if you want different you have to first think and do differently. If you fall off the wagon a few times that is okay. Simply pick up where you left off and do not dwell on any time lost. Keep going and growing sis. You've got this! Cheers to 2022!